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There are too many women in prison who don’t need or deserve to be there. More than 80% of the women in prison are there for low level, non-violent offences and about half of the women in prison are there for theft.

Most women are sentenced to very short lengths of time. In 2020, 70% of sentences were for less than 12 months. This isn’t enough time for any meaningful rehabilitation, but is enough time to lose your home, your children and your job.

Women in prison are also a highly vulnerable group, with 60% of women inside having experienced domestic abuse and 70% having mental health issues. Many of these women do not need to be in prison. We need a justice system that is responsive to the root causes of crime and seeks to rehabilitate women, rather than torpedo their lives.

Latest Reports

Response to the Crime Lower Consultation Legal Aid, 2024

Response to the Ministry of Justice Crime Lower Consultation Legal Aid APPEAL /// March 2024 APPEAL disagrees with current Ministry…

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Law Commission consultation response Rapid redress: reforms for the swift rectification of wrongful convictions in england and wales APPEAL ///…

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Doubt Dismissed

Doubt Dismissed Race, Juries and Wrongful Conviction Nisha Waller and Naima Sakande /// Jan 2024 In May 2024, APPEAL published…

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Submission to Ministry of Justice “Murder sentencing consultation” – Women’s Justice

Submission to Ministry of Justice “Murder sentencing consultation” women who kill  APPEAL /// March 2024   The Women’s Justice Initiative…

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Impact Report 2022/2023

Impact Report 2022/2023 Hope on the horizon APPEAL /// 2023   I will always remember the morning of 24 January…

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Government consultation on its policy proposals following the criminal legal aid independent review

Government consultation on criminal legal aid independent review (‘CLAIR’) APPEAL /// June 2023 Only one in ten applicants to the…

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APPEAL is the working name of the Centre for Criminal Appeals, a Charitable Company Limited By Guarantee and a law practice authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

Registered Charity Number: 1144162 | SRA Authorisation Number: 621184 | Company Number: 7556168