Response to the Crime Lower Consultation Legal Aid, 2024

Response to the Ministry of Justice Crime Lower Consultation Legal Aid APPEAL /// March 2024 APPEAL disagrees with current Ministry of Justice proposals to focus new criminal legal aid investment only in the early states of a case – and not to make changes to the CCRC fee scheme. These proposals are perilous not only…

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Law Commission consultation response Rapid redress: reforms for the swift rectification of wrongful convictions in england and wales APPEAL /// November 2023 It took APPEAL client Andrew Malkinson two decades to clear his name. We set out reforms which will help ensure wrongful convictions are rectified more swiftly. Download this report as a PDF Download…

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Doubt Dismissed

Doubt Dismissed Race, Juries and Wrongful Conviction Nisha Waller and Naima Sakande /// Jan 2024 Nisha Waller and Naima Sakande hold up their report Doubt Dismissed at the launch party in May 2024 In May 2024, APPEAL published a report on the hidden racist and classist intent behind the 1967 introduction of majority jury verdicts…

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Impact Report 2022/2023

Impact Report 2022/2023 Hope on the horizon APPEAL /// 2023   I will always remember the morning of 24 January 2023, when APPEAL’s client Andy Malkinson was given the news that his case had been referred to the Court of Appeal. We also learned that thanks to a DNA match on the database, another man…

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Submission on Sentencing Council “Imposition of community and custodial sentences guideline”

Submission to Sentencing Council  Imposition of community and custodial sentences guideline APPEAL /// february 2023   The Women’s Justice Initiative supports the Sentencing Council’s proposal to introduce a new section on female offenders, but stresses the often causative relationship between women’s offending and the domestic abuse including coercive control they experience. Download this report as…

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Submission to Sentencing Council “Miscellaneous amendments to sentencing guidelines”

Submission to Sentencing Council “Miscellaneous amendments to sentencing guidelines” APPEAL /// November 2023   The Women’s Justice Initiative provides our views on the Sentencing Council’s proposals to amend different sentencing guidelines, including relating to coercive control in manslaughter cases and pregnant defendants. Download this report as a PDF Download Response to the Crime Lower Consultation…

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