Time for change: Four urgent reforms for the new Labour government

Time for change: Four urgent reforms for the new Labour government As Keir Starmer enters number 10, we call on his government to take action on four major flaws in our criminal justice system. These straightforward reforms would make for a much fairer criminal appeals system and ensure that mistakes are more likely to be…

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APPEAL Co-Director Matt Foot on Radio 4 Today Programme

APPEAL Co-Director Matt Foot on Radio 4 – the brutal compensation test   The European Court of Human Rights ruled yesterday that the UK test for receiving compensation following a wrongful conviction is lawful despite dissenting judges stating it is ‘virtually insurmountable’. Listen to Matt Foot being interviewed about the case on the Radio 4…

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Statement on Sam Hallam & Victor Nealon: Grand Chamber dismisses application, but recognises devastating impact of wrongful conviction

Statement on Sam Hallam & Victor Nealon Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights dismisses application, but recognises devastating impact of wrongful conviction Today, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights held that the test for compensation introduced in 2014 (Section 133(1ZA) of the Criminal Justice Act 1988) is compatible…

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Andy Malkinson

Andy Malkinson Not The Only One   Andy Malkinson on the steps of the Court of Appeal on 26 July 2023, just after his name was finally cleared. Photo credit: Ben Broomfield.   Andy Malkinson spent more than 17 years in prison for a crime he did not commit.  DNA evidence APPEAL commissioned proved his…

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A victim twice over

A victim twice over APPEAL’s Matt Foot recounts the shocking story of Sam Hallam who was denied compensation for his seven years wrongfully imprisoned Most people think that when a person has gone to prison when they shouldn’t have, that they will receive compensation when their conviction is finally overturned. However a most brutal law…

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This long wait for compensation adds insult to injustice

This long wait for compensation adds insult to injustice Andrew Malkinson, who spent 17 years in jail for a crime he did not commit, has yet to receive a penny in compensation for his wrongful conviction. Declared innocent by the Court of Appeal last July, he is now reliant on food banks. He says he…

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Wrongly convicted Andrew Malkinson using food bank as he awaits payout

Wrongly convicted Andrew Malkinson using food bank as he awaits payout     Andrew Malkinson, who spent 17 years in jail for a crime he did not commit, has described having to use a food bank and struggling to survive on universal credit while he waits for compensation. Writing in the Guardian, Malkinson said that…

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