Impact Report 2022/2023

Hope on the horizon

APPEAL /// 2023


I will always remember the morning of 24 January 2023, when APPEAL’s client Andy Malkinson was given the news that his case had been referred to the Court of Appeal.

We also learned that thanks to a DNA match on the database, another man had been arrested for the crime for which Andy spent more than 17 years wrongly imprisoned.

Our joy and relief at the news were tempered with anger. Why wasn’t the vital evidence, which APPEAL had to battle to uncover, made available earlier? How many others languish behind bars while the system ignores crucial leads which could set them free?

Emily Bolton, Founder of APPEAL 

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APPEAL is the working name of the Centre for Criminal Appeals, a Charitable Company Limited By Guarantee and a law practice authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

Registered Charity Number: 1144162 | SRA Authorisation Number: 621184 | Company Number: 7556168

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