Time for change: Four urgent reforms for the new Labour government

Time for change: Four urgent reforms for the new Labour government As Keir Starmer enters number 10, we call on his government to take action on four major flaws in our criminal justice system. These straightforward reforms would make for a much fairer criminal appeals system and ensure that mistakes are more likely to be…

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The inside story on the new Andy Malkinson documentary

The inside story on the new Andy Malkinson documentary APPEAL’s Lizzie Norton is behind-the-scenes A documentary telling the story of APPEAL’s client Andrew Malkinson’s fight for justice airs on BBC Two and BBC iPlayer on Thursday 6 June at 9pm.   ‘The Wrong Man: 17 Years Behind Bars’ gives Andy’s firsthand account of the shock…

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Andy Malkinson

Andy Malkinson Not The Only One   Andy Malkinson on the steps of the Court of Appeal on 26 July 2023, just after his name was finally cleared. Photo credit: Ben Broomfield.   Andy Malkinson spent more than 17 years in prison for a crime he did not commit.  DNA evidence APPEAL commissioned proved his…

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Freshwater Five

The Freshwater Five The battle continues: freshwater five apply to the independent office of police conduct (IOPC) for a review of alleged police corruption in their case Supporters of the Freshwater Five mark the anniversary of the events that led to the men’s wrongful imprisonment on the cliffs above Freshwater Bay. “The Independent Office of…

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Mehmet and Peterkin

Saliah Mehmet and Basil Peterkin: posthumously cleared after 46 years vindication at last for rail workers framed by racist, corrupt british transport officer derek ridgewell The families of Saliah Mehmet and Basil Peterkin alongside Winston Trew of the Oval Four and APPEAL Co-Director Matt Foot, moments after the two men were posthumously cleared by the…

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Calls to end ‘majority jury verdicts’ after research into wrong convictions

Calls to end ‘majority jury verdicts’ after research into wrong convictions   A LEGAL justice charity wants Britain’s jury process changed to stop “majority verdicts” being used to convict people of serious crimes, warning that it stems from a “racist and classist” reform from the 1960s. Appeal, based in Clerkenwell, said that judges should only…

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This long wait for compensation adds insult to injustice

This long wait for compensation adds insult to injustice Andrew Malkinson, who spent 17 years in jail for a crime he did not commit, has yet to receive a penny in compensation for his wrongful conviction. Declared innocent by the Court of Appeal last July, he is now reliant on food banks. He says he…

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Wrongly convicted Andrew Malkinson using food bank as he awaits payout

Wrongly convicted Andrew Malkinson using food bank as he awaits payout     Andrew Malkinson, who spent 17 years in jail for a crime he did not commit, has described having to use a food bank and struggling to survive on universal credit while he waits for compensation. Writing in the Guardian, Malkinson said that…

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