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Are you looking for LEGAL help?

APPEAL’s team of specialist lawyers represent individuals who have been wrongfully convicted or unfairly sentenced. We use our resources to investigate cases and present new evidence or legal arguments to the Court of Appeal or the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC).


If you think you have been a victim of a miscarriage of justice and need our help, please read on for more information about our review process.


Can APPEAL help?


Men’s cases


APPEAL helps men who:


  • have been convicted of a serious crime in a Crown Court in England & Wales (e.g. murder, serious violence or sexual offences); and
  • maintain innocence of that crime (e.g. no offence occurred, or someone else committed the offence),


And want to challenge their conviction at the Court of Appeal or to the CCRC.


Women’s cases


APPEAL helps women who:


  • have been imprisoned for minor, non-violent offences when non-custodial options might have been more appropriate;
  • are victims of domestic abuse/coercive control/exploitation and this was not adequately explored at trial;
  • have been sent to prison in circumstances where their mental health or learning difficulties were not adequately considered at trial; and/or
  • maintain innocence of the crime for which they were convicted.


And want to challenge their conviction or sentence at the Court of Appeal or to the CCRC.


If you think that your case fits in with the above categories and you are not already represented by a solicitor or a barrister, please read on for how to get in touch.


How to get in touch?


Please download a copy of our form and guidance for further information.


One person’s story of holistic care

One person’s story of holistic care APPEAL’s Survivor Advocacy service and why it matters   Over the past 20 years…

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System snares just for women

System snares, just for women APPEAL’s Camille Wrightson dives into our latest policy reform efforts to make sentences for women…

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A victim twice over

A victim twice over APPEAL’s Matt Foot recounts the shocking story of Sam Hallam who was denied compensation for his…

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Tried by our own peers

Tried by our own peers APPEAL’s Nisha Waller explores the racist origins behind majority jury verdicts Andrew Malkinson’s exoneration in…

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I was wrongly imprisoned for 17 years. Then the state released me into a legal maze

I was wrongly imprisoned for 17 years. Then the state released me into a legal maze   When I emerged…

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Wrongly convicted Andrew Malkinson using food bank as he awaits payout

Wrongly convicted Andrew Malkinson using food bank as he awaits payout     Andrew Malkinson, who spent 17 years in…

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London, WC1R 4NA

07735 434268


APPEAL is the working name of the Centre for Criminal Appeals, a Charitable Company Limited By Guarantee and a law practice authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

Registered Charity Number: 1144162 | SRA Authorisation Number: 621184 | Company Number: 7556168