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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eleifend dictum massa, quis hendrerit eros vestibulum ac. Vivamus viverra dapibus massa in facilisis. Morbi scelerisque magna quis erat volutpat, nec rutrum eros aliquam. Morbi placerat finibus libero sed commodo. Morbi lacus tortor, suscipit at ullamcorper sed, viverra nec metus. Phasellus vulputate, nulla sed malesuada tincidunt, massa enim tincidunt est, in bibendum urna leo nec libero.

Praesent blandit arcu sed nibh imperdiet, et commodo lectus condimentum. Phasellus placerat ante mi, sit amet sollicitudin tellus tincidunt vel.

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Issues And Cases

Submission to Ministry of Justice “Murder sentencing consultation” – Women’s Justice

Submission to Ministry of Justice “Murder sentencing consultation” women who kill  APPEAL /// March 2024   The Women’s Justice Initiative…

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Lizzie Donoghue

Lizzi donoghue ‘junk’ forensic science landed mother of three in jail for husband’s killing Mother of three Lizzi Donoghue was…

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Righting Wrongs – Barriers to women seeking justice

Righting Wrongs What are the barriers to women seeking to overturn unsafe convictions or unfair sentences in the court of…

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System snares just for women

System snares, just for women APPEAL’s Camille Wrightson dives into our latest policy reform efforts to make sentences for women…

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TV Licensing FAQs

Are you being prosecuted for not paying your TV licence? We may be able to help…   If you or…

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Ending council tax imprisonment

End Council Tax Imprisonment Poverty is Not a Crime As hard as it is to believe, between 2010 and 2017,…

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APPEAL is the working name of the Centre for Criminal Appeals, a Charitable Company Limited By Guarantee and a law practice authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

Registered Charity Number: 1144162 | SRA Authorisation Number: 621184 | Company Number: 7556168